Less than 2 months to go and we're gonna be welcoming 2015 already. We counted eight (8) long weekends!
Note that: "The proclamations declaring national holidays for the observance of Eid’l Fitr and Eidul Adha shall hereafter be issued after the approximate dates of the Islamic holidays have been determined in accordance with the Islamic calendar (Hijra) or the lunar calendar, or upon Islamic astronomical calculations, whichever is possible or convenient To this end, the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) shall inform the Office of the President on which days the holidays shall respectively fall."
Regular holidays = employee gets paid in full even if he/she doesn't report for work. Double pay if employee goes to work.
Special holidays = same rule but instead of double pay, employee is only entitled to 130% of daily equivalent pay
Expect number coding to be suspended during the regular holidays. Special non-working holidays are on a case-to-case basis but historically, number coding has been suspended due to obvious practical reasons.
Here's an infographic from the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office
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- January 1, 2015, Thursday – New Year’s Day (Regular holiday)
- January 2, 2015, Friday – Additional special non-working day (Special non-working day)
- February 19, 2015, Thursday – Chinese New Year (Special non-working day)
- February 25, 2015, Wednesday – EDSA Revolution anniversary (Special holiday)
- April 2, 2015, Thursday – Maundy Thursday (Regular holiday)
- April 3, 2015, Friday – Good Friday (Regular holiday)
- April 4, 2015, Saturday – Black Saturday (Special non-working day)
- April 9, 2015, Thursday – Araw ng Kagitingan (Regular holiday)
- May 1, 2015, Friday – Labor Day (Regular holiday)
- June 12, 2015, Friday – Independence Day (Regular holiday)
- August 21, 2015, Friday – Ninoy Aquino Day (Special non-working day)
- August 31, 2015, last Monday of August – National Heroes Day (Regular holiday)
- November 1, 2015, Sunday – All Saints Day (Special non-working day)
- November 30, 2015, Monday – Bonifacio Day (Regular holiday)
- December 24, 2015, Thursday – Additional special non-working day (Special non-working day)
- December 25, 2015, Friday – Christmas Day (Regular holiday)
- December 30, 2015, Wednesday – Rizal Day (Regular holiday)
- December 31, 2015, Thursday – Last day of the year (Special non-working day)
Note that: "The proclamations declaring national holidays for the observance of Eid’l Fitr and Eidul Adha shall hereafter be issued after the approximate dates of the Islamic holidays have been determined in accordance with the Islamic calendar (Hijra) or the lunar calendar, or upon Islamic astronomical calculations, whichever is possible or convenient To this end, the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) shall inform the Office of the President on which days the holidays shall respectively fall."
Regular holidays = employee gets paid in full even if he/she doesn't report for work. Double pay if employee goes to work.
Special holidays = same rule but instead of double pay, employee is only entitled to 130% of daily equivalent pay
Expect number coding to be suspended during the regular holidays. Special non-working holidays are on a case-to-case basis but historically, number coding has been suspended due to obvious practical reasons.
Here's an infographic from the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office

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